Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday, January 26th - "Mutually Assured Destruction"

We see each other's faces
only in the reflections
that litter the snow like fossils.
Our hardened half-smiles
glitter faintly
amidst the dusky blanket
spread out softly beneath us.
Although I recognize
the gleam of my sapphire eyes
in yours, somehow
you don't remember
that we share the same histories.
Still, the snow is cleansing,
like a fire that never
leaves a trace of its going.
Now, like a cliff that never
looks down at the sea,
your cheeks resemble
the torn curtains
of the bedrooms where you bore me.
I wanted to ask you
to dig beneath the blanket
and come back up
with a single blade of grass
to place within my teeth,
but instead, I'll settle
for a single black slip coat
to wear come summer,
when everyone asks me
why my skin is suddenly whiter
than the blood cells dying beneath it.

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